Named after the Monkey King Louie and the composer John Cage, the group Louie’s Cage Percussion consists of six talented young musicians in their twenties. They are some of the youngest members of renowned Austrian and Slovenian orchestras including the Vienna Volksoper, the Lower Austria Tonkünstler Orchestra, the Graz Opera and Slovenian National Theatre Maribor and play all repertoires of classical music. Besides their studies of classical music, they have always been interested in jazz, rock and electronic music and have played in various bands and broadened their knowledge of various musical genres.
After listening to many percussion ensembles they decided to do something different, something the general audience of common percussion ensembles had not yet experienced. In 2014 LCP was finally established and the young artists started to work on a very challenging task: They wanted to combine acting, writing and playing music at the highest level and unite all of the music they were surrounded with every day from big opera and symphonic music, to film music, jazz and electronic music like dubstep and drum’n’bass underpinned with a lot of electronic instruments and effects.
Since then, Louie’s Cage Percussion has been presenting sold-out shows at numerous venues, including the Konzerthaus and the Volksoper in Vienna, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, the Gärtnerplatztheater in Munich and the Alte Oper in Frankfurt.