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We are back. And as our lives and our concert halls reopen, we are more eager than ever to announce our 2021 ...
We've made it. And how! Not a concert cancelled, not a ticket returned and last but not least – not a single case of ...
Organising a festival in times of COVID 19 felt like dancing on the verge of a volcano. Everybody on their toes, ...
It happened. What we all feared from day one, but hoped to avoid. We did all that we could, but the virus that ...
»I always felt like being on stage was like walking out in the middle of a highway. You're in a place where you know ...
In fairy tales, the oldest sibling is always loved the most by the parents, and therefore usually aloof, selfish, ...
People say music is a language anyone speaks and understands. Even the aliens. Just remember the five-note sequence ...
»… I needed to isolate very early and live my life in loneliness. (…) I couldn't even ask the people: Please, speak ...
In this turbulent and all but relaxing summer, classical music festivals all over the world are all but »business as ...
Ludwig van Beethoven, whose death 250 years ago we mark this year, couldn’t live without music even when he could no ...
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